We ONLY use and recommend Young Living Essential Oils. There are MANY adulterated oils out there. "Adulterate" means to render something poorer in quality by adding another substance, typically an inferior one. Young Living NEVER adds anything to their oils - others do! Go to the QUALITY page.
The Missing Link
You are about to discover the world of 100% Pure, Therapeutic Grade™, Organic Essential Oils, God's gift to mankind for wellness and support. In their pure unadulterated state, organic essential oils contain substances so powerful, they are rated as having the MOST POWERFUL IMMUNE-STIMULATING PROPERTIES of any natural substance known to man.
The following is a transcript of "The Missing Link", a very informative and interesting talk on essential oils given by Dr. Gary Young, founder of Young Living. Enjoy~
The following is a transcript of "The Missing Link", a very informative and interesting talk on essential oils given by Dr. Gary Young, founder of Young Living. Enjoy~
Here is a free report you can download: